Panjeri House is started by Mr Abdul Samad Abdul Majeed, started it in a tiny shop at the heart (Charminar) of the ancient city Hyderabad, India . Panjeri House believes in promoting traditional herbal medicines and products.

Panjeri House is based in India’s ancient city hub Charminar, Hyderabad

It plans to sells herbal preparations (syrups, semi-solids, and solids) manufactured on the principles of the Greco-Arab system of medicine (also called Unani). Its top-seller are Multi Brand Panjeri, Talbeenah, Herbal Soap etc..

Benefits of Herbal Medicine (Unani Medicines)

Herbal remedies have been used for huge number of years like conventional medicine. In fact, herbal medicine is the establishment of modern medicine. This medicine also has very less herbal side effects. Tragically, herbal medicine usually takes a backseat when compared with conventional drug therapy, which is a shame since herbal remedies offer lots of health benefits .In today’s world, Herbal medicine most part used to treating intense and constant sicknesses.

  • More affordable than conventional medicine
  • Easier to obtain than prescription medicine
  • Stabilizes hormones and metabolism
  • Natural healing
  • Strength in immune system
  • Fewer side effects
  • cost effective

Impressive Health Benefits of Herbs

  1. Herbs Boost Psychological Health
  2. They Reduce Risk of Cancer
  3. Herbs Regulate Bowel Movement
  4. Herbs have Anti-inflammation Properties
  5. Herbs are Rich in Antioxidants
  6. Herbs are excellent For Immune System
  7. Herbs are good for Cardiovascular Health
  8. Herbs are Antibacterial and Anti-fungal
  9. Herbs are useful for Cough and Cold
  10. Herbs are Used for Pain Alleviation
  11. Herbs are used for Depression and Other Emotional Problems
  12. For Long Hair
  13. Herbs for Flawless Skin
  14. For Healthy Bone
  15. They Fight Infections