Barley Sattu is one of the best ways to keep your health in track. What else you need when you are getting the best of the best? Try and find the changes in your life with no side-effects. It is herbal and 100% safe for all ages and genders. Even children can use and can get healthy with Panjeri House Barley Sattu.

Barley Sattu is an excellent blend of all Natural, Pure & Special herbs selected for their unique abilities to Control Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Obesity, Weakness, Urine Problem, Stomach Pains, Menses and many more.

Barley Sattu – A Natural Remedy for more than 42 diseases related to whole body

Barley Sattu is very light and easily digestible. It quenches thirst, cools the body, and gives instant energy, especially in the summer. It is good for hyperacidity, urinary tract infection, skin disorders, and heat-induced headache. It also helps reduce weight, if taken with honey. It is the most running and traditional drink in summers. Barley Sattu is a great powder with a good source of natural fiber and carbohydrates. It refreshes the brain and contains neither artificial color nor any type of chemicals. It can be consumed by whole family members as there is no Age Limit. It is made of Roasted Barley (Jaw) which gives Power, Energy and is easy to digest.

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Regular use of Barley Sattu will Increase and Boost energy, reduce Weakness, Stress and bring a feeling of well-being. After experiencing the subtle, positive effects of Barley Sattu, you will naturally be encouraged to continue this ritual and reap the benefits.

After using Barley Sattu, above mentioned problems will be cured for sure. It is 100% Natural & Pure and is free from side effects.

Benefits of Barley Sattu

  • Reduces General Debility.
  • It acts as Antacid and Diuretic.
  • Works as the best Food Substitute.
  • Gives Strength to Body Nourishment.
  • Gives Full Protein and Fiber to Body.
  • Stops Obesity and Fatness in Body.
  • Removes Weakness from Body; Sadness from Heart & Uneasiness from Brain.
  • Acts as Medicine as well as Good Food for High Blood Pressure Patient’s.
  • Increases Hunger & Gives Power in Manly Hood.
  • Helps in removing Ulcer Disease (Stomach Ulcers).
  • Relieves from Stomach Pains & also helps in removing common Body Pains.
  • Helps in purifying Blood and Boosts Energy & Immunity.
  • No Age Limit, Everyone can Consume Barley Sattu.
  • Especially very effective for ladies problem Menses (Stops flow of blood) and brings back to Normal Condition.
  • Relieves from Digestive Problems.
  • At the time of examinations, if taken will keep freshness in Mind and Heart.
  • Diabetic Patients can take as it is safe and works as Antidote.
  • Keeps Healthy & Energetic.
  • Prepared from Pure, Natural & Special Herbs with no side effects.